January 29, 2023

To All Creation

Preacher: Daniel Lanning Series: Mark: The Forgotten Gospel Scripture: Mark 16:9–20, John 20:11–18, Luke 24:13–49, Matthew 28:16–20


Mark 16:9-20

The Appearances:

John 20:11-18, Luke 24:13-49

  • Jesus isn’t just appearing to his disciples; he is appearing to his friends

The Commission:

Matthew 28:16-20

  • The story of Jesus can be good news to everyone, everywhere. 

The Promise:

  • The promise is still that God is with us, all the time.

Taking it Home:

  • Jesus showed us God’s original design for humanity.
  • Jesus died to save us from sin, and to redeem all creation back to God.
  • Jesus destroyed the power of the enemy, and unleashed God’s kingdom on earth.

other sermons in this series

Jan 22


Hope in the Darkest Hour

Preacher: Daniel Lanning Scripture: Mark 15:40– 16:8 Series: Mark: The Forgotten Gospel

Jan 15


The Glorious Death of King Jesus

Preacher: Brandon Babcock Scripture: Mark 15:16–39 Series: Mark: The Forgotten Gospel

Jan 8


How The Tables Have Turned

Preacher: Scripture: Mark 15:1–15 Series: Mark: The Forgotten Gospel