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New year, new series! We're going back to the beginning, and looking at the first 11 chapters of Genesis with a series called Creation to Chaos. From Adam to Abraham, we're going to see the beginnings of our world and how scripture sets the stage for us to understand God's love for us all.
Sermons from this Series
Mar 3
The Awful Power of Unity
Preacher: Daniel Lanning Scripture: Genesis 11:1–32 Series: Creation to Chaos
Feb 18
Grace in the Face of Chaos and Destruction
Preacher: Brandon Babcock Scripture: Genesis 6:1– 9:29 Series: Creation to Chaos
Feb 11
Scandal East of Eden
Preacher: Brandon Babcock Scripture: Genesis 4:1–26 Series: Creation to Chaos
Feb 4
Dependent by Design
Preacher: Daniel Lanning Scripture: Genesis 3:1–24 Series: Creation to Chaos
Jan 28
Created in the Image of God
Preacher: Brandon Babcock Scripture: Genesis 1:26– 2:25 Series: Creation to Chaos
Jan 7
In the Beginning God Created
Preacher: Brandon Babcock Scripture: Genesis 1:1– 2:3 Series: Creation to Chaos